Sunflower Fair 2022
Sunflower Fair 2022
September 20th 2022 8:00am

Let the Sun Shine In! After a two-year hiatus, The North Central-Flint Hills Area Agency on Aging (NC-FH AAA) is bringing back the Sunflower Fair, its popular yearly health and wellness event for Tuesday, September 20 in Salina.

“The Sunflower Fair is the heartland’s premier health and wellness event and is a full day of trustworthy and practical information and good fun for Kansans of all ages” said Julie Govert Walter, NC-FH AAA Executive Director.  “This is a happy opportunity for people to gather together and we are packing the day with fun and useful information from workshops, exhibitors and expert speakers and we are excited about recognizing honorees selected by counties in the NC-FH AAA region,” she said.

The event is an “information extravaganza” that highlights services available to older Kansans and caregivers and will honor those who helped seniors and caregivers make it through the challenges of the last two years. Exhibitors are planning to provide COVID-19 and flu vaccines, hearing tests, blood pressure checks and other important health screenings.

Visit our Sunflower Fair 2022 page to learn more, register to attend, or sign up for a booth. We hope to see you there!

  • Tuesday, Sep 20th 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM